Termo-Gen AB
BiTe-modul från sidan
Element Compaction ToolHot Press ToolPlasma Treated Wetting Test
Ni Wetting TestBiTe Module
NanoThermelE4 MistraHeatReCar
EU-projekt  |  2001-2004

Taget från "Nanothermel Final Technical Report":

The overall goal for this project is to develop nanoengineered high performance thermoelectric materials and devices for advanced applications. Two approaches have been adopted: Nanostructuring and Molecular Engineering, both have been verified and proven to be advantageously feasible to reach the goal.

[...] the project has been performed successfully according to the proposed work plan, with the following achievements:

SME partners have been actively participating into the project for the exploitation of materials and processing technology developed within this project for the development of cooling and electrical generation systems.



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